Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Writing without purpose is simply pointless. Therefore, all the ramblings I post to this blog hereafter will be composed with a goal somewhere in the back of my mind. In general, this goal is information. I hope to be informed as much as I inform via this blog.

But thoughtful verbage aside, you still don't have any idea what I'll be writing about.

As a blogger, I want to unearth obscure music. I don't want to be a mini-MySpace, struggling to display the endless multitude of appalling songs that deserve the obscurity they wallow in. Rather, with each entry, I want to illuminate a song, an artist, even a genre that has great merit but tiny exposure.

I don't go looking for obscure music. I look for music to enjoy, and most music that I find both under-heard and enjoyable comes somewhere out of the world of electronic music. It follows that most of my blog entries will have something to do with that. The rest, however, could be about anything. Maybe some indie band in Alabama really needs your ears, or a great record from 1953 doesn't get the radio play it used to.

No matter what musical gems I blog about, I'm sure to unearth them good and dirty. I may have found the music, but comments complete the experience. Share your knowledge and tell me how wrong I am, and this blog can be a truly great source of information.

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